“Let the world change you..., and you can change the world.”
- Che Guevara
Cycling has many benefits, including the personal aspects such as weight loss, health, and social aspects like carbon footprint reducing, less pollution. Further more, when a city really accepted the bike as a major transportation tool, it means the streets are safe, kids can play with peace of mind; the pace of life in right speed, not too slow and not too fast, exactly the happy rhythm of people.
- <Pedaling Revolution>translate from Chinese version by Fuji
Revolution is in addition to the slogan and also need action.
The bicycle is the horn and our feet are the weapon in this revolution.
Based on reason, here the formula shows the benefit to Taiwan:
(13.8%+24.5%) x 5,390,848 cars x 5km x 0.086L = 887818.75712L
Which means 887818.75712l Gasoline can be reduce, or make pollution.
According to "the report of car use in Taiwan" by the Ministry of Communications in 2006 shows:
About 13.8% of car users’ daily commuting distance is less than 5 kilometers,
And another 24.5% of the users, their commuting distance is between 5-10 kilometers.
That means, if these above car commuters can commute to their destinations by bicycle, and spending 30 minutes in cycling instead of traffic jam,
Then our roads and car parks will soon release 38.3% of the space,
Condition of air pollution will be significantly reduced.
Base on the statistical data by the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics,
The amount of automobile in Taiwan is 5390848。
The car people bought generally is the total displacement of 1,800 cc,
So the fuel adjustment factor is NTD 4800.-
Calculated by 15000km/year/95unlead gasoline :
1L gasoline runs 11.6km →1km consume 0.086L gasoline
So we can get the result : 15000km×0.086L=1290L/year/per car
If Taiwan’s (13.8%+24.5%) automobile commuter change to biking, the expected benefit to our environment can reduce 887818.75712L gasoline everyday.
To personal aspect, motorcycle costs about NT3~NT5/km,
If someone commutes 10km everyday, he’ll save NT30~50/day x 25days = NT 750~1250.
He is not only saving money but also become more health.
The above is only Taiwan index, What will be to the whole world?
I hope to promote bike commuting, bike sport, and bike travel through this plan.
This plan will strengthen the power of bike culture.